Sunday 5 April 2015

Wedding card in progress

My mother asked me to make a wedding card for my cousin, which will also be used for the table place names at the reception meal. 

Started with some sketches which I sent to the client (my mother), sadly I lost some of them when my laptop crashed but here's the ones I salvaged

We both agreed that the archway one was the best so I cracked on. 

Rough shapes.
Trying some brushes I made the other day, but my dodgy photoshop keeps deleting them all.
The black lines looked a little harsh, so I changed them to a slightly darker brown

 I got the figures done quite quickly after I ironed out the initial outline problems
 I think I managed to get the faces look at least recognisable
Here's a picture for comparison 

And her dress

Working on the archway now.

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