Thursday 16 April 2015

offlife entry 2.0

Alas my last entry was not chosen from the hundreds to be in the issue, but submissions are open again so I'm giving it another go.
Trying a new thing, haiku comics, three lines and three panels. It's pretty fun and it seems harmonious in some way. There was little planning to the comic as it was a thought that stuck me during a long car ride to Devon.
I drew it all in photoshop for ease as I predicted the glowing and the dark bedroom colours would be more difficult to produce with paint.
I minimised my workload by drawing the background once and repeating it, also I used the same me drawing in the first two panels and changed the features.
The ghost bug auras were troublesome. I used a wet edged photoshop brush for the inner glow and then a textured airbrush for the outer glow.
I am pleased with the wafting arms because I couldnt figure out how to make them half visible and then remembered opacities, and the face glow I added at the end I think makes the first panel less empty and uneventful than it previously was.
I'm happy with this overall, for now.
I think its  better than my last submission at least.

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