Tuesday 21 April 2015

Humans of Leeds part 2

issuu and html problems have caused this to be two posts

so after I decided the watercolour drawings weren't much use I drew this watercolour and coloured pencil drawing depicting some of the humans of leeds in a typical leeds terraced street

I didn't actually finish it because at this point I realised it wasn't working well as an image, because its scattered and illogical and poorly framed.
The best part was the houses at the top so I cropped the image, added a sky and some text on Photoshop and ended up with this which i think is much better

When I went to send the image I realised I hadn't made it to the correct proportions of a photoshop banner so I had to crop it to this instead

which isn't much different but the text may be a little too big now

I made this profile picture very quickly, it was just a vague idea i'd planned and it went okay first time so I went with this.

This brief was fun to do because it was quite simple, except for the painting dilemmas, and I'm pleased with how it turned out after the cropping and whatnot
I may make some more over summer and send those too 

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