Tuesday 21 April 2015

Humans of Leeds UUUBERPOST

I forgot to blog all of this brief so here it is in its entirety.

The facebook group Humans of Leeds put out a request for illustrators to design new cover photos for the group to keep it fresh and such. I thought this was probably a good think to respond to since the group has like 13000 likes, which is a lot of people looking at my drawings.

I messaged the group and started a now running dialogue about the project with someone called Z who was very enthusiastic and supportive about my work and understood also the other work I was doing at the same time so left the deadline open.

I started off with some quick sketches of people photographed for humans of leeds with captions of their quotes. They were very loose as I did them on the train but it was a start.

Then I made some more detailed and sustained water colour drawings of some of the people. I think these look nice but there was no logical way for me to use them as part of a banner image.

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