Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Allure of Chanel

This was my entry for the Pushkin Press Allure of Chanel book cover. I didn't bother to mention this entry in boards or the project report because it's the worst thing I've made for a long time. Mostly I'm just proud I got it done in under an hour, research and planning included. I remembered on the day of the deadline that I wanted to enter this competition, so I had to draw this in a Travelodge under lamplight in the small hours of the morning.
I didn't have time left to do any real research or even skim the transcript of the book so I went with the only thing about Chanel, and thats the Chanel suit marge wears in The Simpsons
A google image search told me this was accurate so I drew the outfit in photoshop (modelled on the one Coco Chanel wore) filling a rectangular frame as fast I as I could. It got done but it definitely suffered a lot from my negligence.
But hey I got a piece of work done in less than an hour, woop

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