Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Film Doo posters

Here's my resolved images for the Film Doo posters
I'm reasonably pleased with them as images but I don't think they really work as posters. I'm not sure whether its the compositions or the placement/lack of text or if there's some kind of secret trick or ingredient to making a professional looking film poster that I dont know about but they look too empty and lacking something to sit comfortably with me as actual movie posters.
 I hardly think I shall win this one but it's been a valuable exercise because I got back to drawing with real tools instead of the computer, and just using Photoshop to place the elements and whatnot.
I like the Harold and Maude poster best because I it's bright and pleasant and reflects my thoughts about the movie. I also liked how the other two images turned out because they all have quite a linked aesthetic and I'm still fond of the crossing lines of sight I attempted in the Cabaret poster.
The biggest struggle with these posters is that the specifications required them to be made at an enormous file size of over a metre tall. My Cabaret poster ended up around 1.2GB and crashed my laptop every time I tried to open it. When I'd first finished it I started to put the text on but because the program was running so slowly it took two hours, just to place the text, and then photoshop crashed and deleted all my slow slow progress. This was incredibly frustrating but when I made the file smaller and added the text again it only took minutes so I guess it could have been worse.

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