Monday 27 January 2014

Trying some colours

 Started by trying the gradient trick Matt taught me, not sure if i was doing it wrong or if it just wasn't right for this but these really weren't doing it for me, especially the blue one. I think i missed out a step as it didn't happen like that when i first tried it

I started just painting on a multiply layer. I gravitated straight towards blue as i have a nice felt tip in this colour that Ive been adding shadow to sketches with in my sketchbook.

 tried using more opacities of blue to build tone
 experimented a little with bright contrasting solid colour, I think its something to be explored further but would be a little overpowering for the whole comic
I tried a similar technique to with the blue ones but with greens instead. I liked these colours much better, but with a mint green 

 This is a rough version of how I've decided to colour my panels, using black, white, darker forrest green and a pale mint green. I think these two greens are a good distant apart to represent two levels of tone without being too dramatic or too samey 

For each panel I first went through deciding the placement of the colours so as not to have heavy patches of one. I tried where i could to never have two areas of the same colour touching. 

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