Monday 27 January 2014

Final Crit

In this exercise people wrote comments pertaining to different aspects of the book in each box. I received a lot of positive feedback on my colour scheme and use of humour. My favourite comment is "great use of humour o tackle a very serious issue" as I'm glad someone else takes this epidemic as seriously as I do.
 Then we split into pairs and crit-ed eachothers work using these sheets as prompts. This feedback is from Paul.

In the battle for the mushy peas I recieved ten votes, a three way tied victory, but I don't like mushy peas so thats fine. I must question the frowny face I was given though, is that a vote deduction or..? 

I now have some successes to put into my evaluation, which is sometimes the part I struggle with, so that was useful. 

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