I drew the top left one first and thought yep done here, but then thought I should probably push it a bit further and tried different variations.
I drew the pointy noses on autopilot but thought that if the human characters are both yellow and pointy nosed then heady leggy will just look like a really mutated human and not really an alien at all.
So I reworked the noses and the winner through peer feedback was nose number two, because it was not as silly as nose 4 but less boring than noses 1 and 5.
I tried different hairstyles and ended up choosing the developed version of the original hairstyle, which is the last one with the little loopy curl.
I also tried different colours but they mostly just looked strange.
The last section is some expressions using the design I've chosen.
To the right is a drawing I made in pencil and scanned in to colour. I like this process, both to do and as an outcome so I may use this in the end. I don't want to make it all digital because its a bit hollow, and it makes the drawings rigid.
I saw this book in the book sale and I think it fits logically with the pencil process I'm developing. I like the movement in the drawings made possible by using such a simple and freeing medium.
Working with pencil is great bceause theres no thinking about how the tool will respond to the line youre trying to make, like with using brushes and pens, it just transfers exactly what you're drawing. If that makes any sense..
It allows for greater freedom and movement in drawings.
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