Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Line Trauma

It has been a struggle making that line work usable
I dont even know why
It's never usually this gruelling
It just wouldn't go right.
So for starters I had to scan it in two halves which was a ballache enough, cos then I had to line them back up again which is harder than it sounds
But then there was all these marks on it, cos stupid people put wet work on the scanner and don't clean it so it gets all covered in gunk that ends up in my picture.
So I erased these thinking yeah no problem, but then when I was selecting the line in the channels to colour it over in solid black the absense of the paper grain was reeeeally visible where I'd sharply erased the blotches

Garahrghgh hideous

So then I spent the next hour or so  trying to figure this out
I even watched photoshop beginner tutuorials of how to scan linework it was so embarrassing.
Anyway in the end I wacked the levels way up and coloured in the line channel
But because there was so much white balance I had to copy the linework and multiply it over itself
So I put this one

and this one together
and got this one
This linework needs to be dark enough to withstand the colouring.
It is acceptable now
A little bummed I cant the paper texture in there but I'll get over it

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