Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Space Planet Encycolpedia

I've been struggling with the Heady Leggy thing because while its really fun to do, it's been difficult working without an end in sight, or a goal of any kind.

In my group tutorial with Jamie he suggested I make it like an encycolpedia of the Heady Leggy world and suggested I use Codex Seraphinianus as a main reference point.

Ive been studying the pdf and I went down to vernon street to look at their reference copy. It's just the most surreal and beautiful thing ever.


Obviously my output in this time period will be no where near as staggering but its a good point of reference and source to go on to influence my project

It will act as more of a way of arranging the work I've already done into something physical and complete, so now I need to work on refining all the sketches of creatures I've dome, making complete images and pages, and organising it into some kind of formalised structure.

I've also been photocopying pages of reference encyclopedias in the library. They are really heavy. I nearly broke the photocopier. 

I imagine it being a run through of the aspects of the planet and heady leggy life, with a narrator and Eddy present in the pages, interspersed with little cartoons and strips involving the acquired knowledge of the planet.

I've also been photocopying pages of reference encyclopedias in the library. They are really heavy. I nearly broke the photocopier.

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