Wednesday 9 March 2016

Annie Hall

After busting a gut getting Penguin in on time I thought I'd make a nice relaxing one hour Annie Hall poster for Friday

I started off going for a cartoony line drawing image of them struggling with lobsters but this did not go well.

It was too static and the composition was just non existant.

So I started again and went for the same angle as the mallrats poster using an image from the film and colouring on and around it.

This was more successful and I went with this one

I reappropriated the lobster as it was the only bit of the other drawing that went well, it seemed a shame to waste it.

It doesnt really capture Annie Hall as a movie very well, adams poster was much better, but it looks alright and it exists in time for the deadline and it was a quick and enjoyable way of image making.

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