Saturday, 22 November 2014

Printed Pictures Crit

We did the crit wrong but here is the feedback I got from what we did do.

Comment on selection of themes, content, concepts or messages (are they specific enough and are they appropriate to the selected author, texts or research?) 
-Very simple concept but should be justified by high level of craft in multicoloured screen prints.
-Content is appropriate to book as it informs new readers of main characters and theme of split identities and plays on familiarity of characters for existing readers.
-Be sure to make a clear distinction between the two halves so it's plain to see that they are two separate 'characters', for this reason perhaps remove Laurie as her two identities are visually similar. Only experimentation will tell.
-Also make use of the backgrounds, making them appropriate to each character and perhaps changing for both face halves.
-Do research into previous uses of concept in posters and comic books (spider sense half mask from 90's)

Comment on the visual concept of the proposal (are the decisions made about aesthetic, media, colour etc appropriate to the intended tone of voice, mood and/or concept? 
-A lot of experimentation still to be done to hone in on style images will be created in, difficulty is to find the correct balance between making the characters recognisable and the visual familiar but not just drawing like Dave Gibbons
-Go with plan to use the pale but rich colours of Watchmen, key colours for each character i.e blue for Dr Manhattan, but work out how to make the colours for both sides of character complimentary and how to make multiple colours out of fewer inks
-Experiment in print with overlaying inks and bitmapping the image to combine dotted areas and create extra colours
-Consider visual link between the set and if thats necessary considering they have a strong visual theme running through, but definitely ensure that all colour palettes are complimentary and work as a set
-Work out where type will fit and what type will be used
- Consider matching shadows of Rorshachs face with marks on his mask

Comment on the clarity with which the audience and or context has informed decisions relating to format size media and content 
-Appropriate to all audiences, perhaps less so the new readers but it isn't too confusing that they wouldn't understand, most would be familiar at least with the main ones.
- Can also consider additional audience of readers who enjoyed the novel the first time

Time Planning
-Consider in greater detail after initial problems have been ironed out
-Aim to complete plans by next Friday and create test prints of each within the next two weeks to trial bitmapping and overlays
-Design one and make test print before continuing with others in case process doesnt work how planned, allows time for reconsidering, aim to print next Wednesday, perhaps scaled down for simplicity
- Ensure screens are prepared and all tests are done and everything ready to go by Christmas, print afterwards
-Time planning will prove crucial, set aside some time to figure it all out and get organised, asap

-Research existing comic covers containing similar themes and visuals to get a good basic knowledge on what has come before and gain inspiration from this
-Try out actual drawings to figure out visual style problems
- Consider contents of backgrounds and how they will relate to characters, shouldn't be an afterthought
- Experiment with how to make the images different to the original drawings but to still hold the same familiarity
- Plan time and organise workload, using diary
-Re-read brief to check it fulfils requirements
-Do rigorous testing in time for christmas

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