Book covers for Watchmen focusing on the theme of dual identities in the main characters and the balance of those identities and the differences and similarities in order to re-release the books to attract an audience of existing fans/collectors, newcomers to the book and genre and young people who weren't around to enjoy it the first time.
Background Considerations
Conveying characteristics and tones of characters; Rorschach, Dr Manhattan and Night Owl
Rorschach - discomfort with being unmasked and showing face, psychotic tendencies, assimilation with mask, unhinged, violent, grimacing distain for others, conspiracy minded, low tech
Dr Manhattan - distaste for futility of human kind, incomprehensible wisdom, cheerful/hopeful glint in the eye of old self, sad beaten down victimised bearer of cancers for all, omniscience, naivety and human-ness of former self and contrasting lack thereof as Dr Manhattan
Nite Owl - Intelligence, sensitivity, voice of reason, safe and level headed comparatively, care for fellow watchmen, Archie, gadget man, high-tech, full effort
Using screen print in the key colours of the imagery within the book and the key colours recognisable to each character
Consider the differences and similarities between each characters identities in reference to the text
3 Screen printed book covers using 3-4 inks on each, inks can differ between images but must stick to a consistent visual style. High level of craft requiredDeadlines
Initial print tests and all completed plans for images Friday 5th December
Additional tests for subsequently planned images Friday 12th December
Screens prepped and ready to go Thursday 18th December (all subject to availability of print room)
Print after Christmas in good time for deadline of 21st January, plans subject to release of print room schedule after christmas
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