Wednesday 19 November 2014

Giant Tess Planning

At first I was thinking of telling snapshots of Tess's entire life and how her giantness effected it, started from birth (but that would be gross so she arrived on a doorstep)

I was going to have a full page image to divide the different 'scenes' of important parts of her life

As much as I quite liked a lot of these plans I realised there was absolutely no way I could tell her entire life story in one zine in the time I had left, so I formulated the plan below, wherein we meet Tess as a twenty something year old living in a mountain and hanging around with her best friend. In this revised edition the story focuses on the friendship between the two and then a man giant who Tess likes but he turns out to be a terrible person.

To start this off I did some sketches of what the man would look like 

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