Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Moving Pictures Project Proposal

I intend to produce
A 30+ second (time dependent) hand drawn animated sting for documentary on Alan Moore's life/creative process visualising quotes (yet to specify) about topic

The content will focus on
1. The crazy yet poignant things Alan Moore says and the enthralling way in which he says them
2. Reflections on his own creative practice
3. The visual nature of the things he says, using the verbal imagery to create visual imagery

I will be aiming to communicate
1. The fascinating wisdom of this man
2. The carefully considered flamboyance of his speech/words
3. The deep thought put into his work methods and philosophies which can be transferred to all disciplines

To an audience of
1. Fans of Alan Moore
2. People who aren't familiar with him or his work but by chance see the sting advertising his documentary
3. Fellow workers of the creative and comic industries

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