Tuesday, 27 October 2015

statement of intent and briefs

Leeds College of Art
OUIL603 Extended Practice
Statement of Intent


Hollie Smith


I want to make silly funny pictures to make me happy and make other people happy.
This will make people more inclined to buy my work, or hire me, as people like to be happy.
As a result I will get the money they buy my work or employ me with and can use it to enrich my life with the joy of pets and an elaborate home library with a rolling ladder.

Themes / Subjects
Silliness, humour, irreverence, narrative based mostly on the banality of existence, character, observation, whatever subject is interesting me most at the time

Products / Methods of Distribution
Zines, comics, printed media, posters, postcards, ephemera, crafts, badges, stickers all selling at table top fairs and conventions
Also online distribution via social media

Practical Skills / Media / Formats
Mixture of traditional and digital, some all of either, some mixed, Photoshop for creation or titivation, watercolour, gouache, other paints, pencil, pens, ink and brush linework, collage,
Whatever seems most appropriate and/or enjoyable for the brief
Occaisional straying into video/gif format with animated work, would much like to further this

Brief 1: Thoughtbubble

I want to make zines, prints and ephemera to sell on my table at Thoughtbubble. This will aid me in networking and building a presence in the community as well as allow me to sell my work to the right audience, and as a result I may become more known in the field over time as well as making money from sales to recoup my costs and enjoy some tasty profit.

Brief 2: Album Re-Covers

I want to re-design the covers of the homemade CDs I found in Poverty Aid because some of the music is quite good but the badly handmade covers make them look dated and unappealing. This will make them appealing to a wider modern audience and as a result the CDs will become more marketable and I can send the new covers to the people who made the albums, which might be a nice surprise, and if they so choose the album could be re-distributed with my new cover.

Brief 3: YCN

Rationale: I want to enter an applicable YCN competition because the deadline is after January so it will be less horrendously stressful than others, and because winning would potentially provide further opportunities and a widened audience. This will make it easier for me to get a job as I will have that on my CV.

Brief 4: Macmillan Prize

Tbc, May
Rationale: I want to make and propose pages of a children’s book because I think it would suit my work and I haven’t done anything specifically for children yet. Also I would like to further explore the heady-leggy character I’ve been working with but in the form of a full narrative. This will give me a product I can add to my portfolio and as a result I can pitch the book to publishers, or even win.

Brief 5: Board Game

Rationale: I want to collaborate in making an illustrated board game because I have an interest in this but feel often the imagery is unappealing. Also I think it would be very enjoyable to make and there will be few if any opportunities to do this in future. This will give us a complete functioning product that can be played and pitched to shops and companies, and as a result the game may be manufactured or sold, and failing that we will have something fun to play with and to attempt to sell ourselves.

Additional Project Proposals
Film society posters – regularly
Illustration Friday – regularly
Threadless competitions – when applicable
Art cat cafĂ© business proposal – dependent on input of others
Fumetto Comix – dependent on free time before deadline, 4/1/16
Working Toy Theatre – potential board game substitute
Musical comics -  perhaps in conjunction with toy theatre, or smaller scale if needed/if time

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