Friday 23 October 2015

Cat Zine Process

I'm using different textured brushes, mostly a combination of Kyle Websters Pastel Palooza and Chunky Charcoal to get the digital analogue hybrid aesthetic I like.

I'm working in monochrome so nothing is lost when I print it out

This means heavy importance on the balance of black white and grey, notan and whatnot

I'm doing one panel per page to pace it evenly.

Here's page one

 Heres the first stage, black outlines, loose textured ones.
Then going back over with grey to denote backgrounds or shadow 

Then writing, I'm all about cursive script at the miunte, it's improving but there's a way to go. 

And all together

Yep I think it's going alright.
It's pretty simple but it does the job, I like it
And it's a nice change working in monochrome, not done that in a while. 

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