Saturday 19 April 2014

Fire Hands

A belated effort for the Mutants brief. 
I was spending too long trying to think of a good super power to have and neglected to do anything useful so I settled on flame hands so I could focus on making something. This is my first attempt at a stop motion gif and I think it went pretty well for an hours work. I used scraps of tissue paper and stuck them to the wall in the most fire-like formations I could manage. My main struggle was trying to keep it consistent. I kept nudging the laptop so the frame moved around, and I found it hard to stick the next piece of fire onto the wall in the right position. Also I had to redo a lot of shots because I foolishly left debris in the frame. I tried to make it loop continuously but it still looks a bit shaky, I'll try to improve this next time. I really want to make more gifs because they're a quick and easy way to explore animation, so maybe after practising these I could make a more sustained piece of animation. 

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