Monday, 17 February 2014

Viewpoint and Depth - Three figures (also etching)

Once again I wasted a bunch of time trying to think of a decent concept and ended up doing nothing, so I drew what I could see in front of me, which was incidentally three figures at differing depths from a viewpoint.
I tried some variations on the image as people kept moving about, and I tried some different viewpoints, and considered a third figure being in the TV. 

Continued trying different arrangements of components off the room, omitting pieces of furniture and changing peoples positions.
I decided on this arrangement as it seemed the most balanced of the ones I'd tried, but I left the level of detail flexible as I was uncertain how what level of detail I could achieve with etching. I later removed the text  because I couldn't work out how to write it backwards. 

The print didn't turn out as well as I thought it would, looking at the plate, perhaps because I forgot it would be backwards so now compared to my planned out sketch it looks strange and unfamiliar. Also the green ink doesnt have much contrast between line and empty space, perhaps I didn't wipe the plate enough. Despite my disappointment I enjoyed the workshop and would like to use engraving again, but it seems to only be suited to certain images because its hard to use multiple colours and it relies on linework.

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