Friday, 28 February 2014

Thats Pants - Poster

This is the final image we made, it took the form of a poster promoting recycling so we imitated the styles of such posters. Because of factors like weather and illness we ended up not having time to create the image we planned so we had to use a frame from the gif. We chose this one because it was the endpoint the gif reached so the only one that made sense as a stand alone image. We had to redraw the recycling symbol as on the day of the shoot it had become blurred by the rain. the text was inspired by looking at posters and we took a stat from our initial research. 
As a group we agreed this poster was not a great success, especially compared with the gif. It ended up communicating a completely different idea to what we originally planned and became much more serious and less fun than the other poster would have been. It was planned to show how annoying the packaging is to receive and open but instead its a slightly confused recycling campaign, as without the context of this being an unwrapped box it makes much less sense than the gif. I think had we allowed more time for the poster we could have made something better and much more representative of our initial opinions. Also following an error in booking digital printing times we failed to produce an A2 version of the image, instead settling for A3. This was perhaps also due to the limited time we did the poster in as by that point it was too late to book and the room was unexpectedly closed on the day we wanted to print. 

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