Sunday 6 October 2013


- to customise an unwanted piece of clothing in a way that makes people smile when they see it.

For an unwanted piece of clothing I chose a t-shirt I'd been given at a freshers fair with a big woman's face on it. Having something with an existing design offered more potential for ideas as I had something to work with. I'd likely have been stumped with a plain garment.
 I began by repeatedly drawing the shirt on this planning sheet and altering it in some way. The drawings at this stage were quite unkempt. My favourite ideas were tiger facepaint, a beard and a smashed egg on her forehead.The feedback I recieved took a strange format like a forum thread, as follows:

"Bearded ladies are awesome. I like how you've worked with what you've got.
    ^"I second this guy."
       ^"Third, also I really enjoy the burglar."
          ^"Me too, really cool idea, the tongue one is really funny."
             ^"Bearded ladies are the sexiest."
                ^ " geard = girl beard"

In response to the feedback I chose to do the beard idea. I used acrylic because it covered the existing design most efficiently, it was however quite a tricky medium to work with as its very messy and seeps through tshirt material. I originally intended to outline it in black marker to make it crisper until Matt suggested I use a lighter shade of brown which definitely worked better and made it look less dingy.

My finished tshirt got two and a half bean votes which I was pretty pleased with. I think the shirt looks okay, despite it being a little messy, but I doubt I will ever wear it. 

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