Tuesday 29 October 2013


I actually prefer this version to my finished piece, I think it works better in colour. I used textures for the suitcase and skirt and the rest were coloured using a brush. Although I forgot to add the initials..

This was an earlier plan of the above design. I chose to work to a set colour scheme and experiment with the tones created using multiply on overlapping layers. This was useful as I learnt how to make extra tones without using more colours.

 With this one I experimented with coloured lines and shading using varying opacities. It doesn't look very spectacular but has made me consider using coloured lines in future.

This was a very scrappy sketch so made for quite a scrappy end result, I used the texture of some rocks for the path but I could've definitely done more with the people had the sketch been more refined.

I used a grass texture and again used multiply to create tone in the coloured areas. I think the colouring greatly improved this rather bland idea. 

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