Thursday, 19 May 2016

Summative Statement

During this module I have had the chance to explore different aspects of my practice.
I've had quite a focus on developing different processes for different purposes, using combinations of digital and analogue media and I've figured out which ones are suitable for different themes and time frames. My traditional process has developed the most, following on from what I learnt in COP I have invested time in re-honing my technical analogue skills, something I haven't really done since A Level when that was the only option. Doing this in the context of my illustrative practise has been valuable to my work and I think the visual quality has improved across the year.
The briefs I selected have allowed me to explore different avenues my practice could go down. I've tried things I wanted to like book cover illustration, editorial, album covers and childrens book illustration. I wanted to move away from making just comics as it isnt that lucrative or realistic a career path and in trying to work in these different sectors I have opened up new possibilities and contexts for my work to exist in.
From this point I want to hone both of these developments. My processes are just forming and I'm excited to see where rigourous practise will take them and how they will develop with the different briefs I take on. I also want to explore more areas my work could exist in, but also develop upon the ones I've figured out work for me, like childrens book illustration. I would be interested in trying advertising and promotional work, to see how this would affect my practice and how my work would fit into that sector.
For the next year I want to take any work that's coming to me, and refine my process and aesthetic as I think it's starting to develop an individual tone of voice and visual quality which will hopefully aid my career in finding direction and an audience.

Project Report

Here is the issuu of my 603 Project Report


These are my boards for the Guardian brief

Penguin Boards

These are the boards for my entires to the Penguin Design Awards

D&AD Boards

These are my board for SB6 D&AD

Heady Leggy Boards

These are the boards demonstrating the product range of the Space Planet encyclopedia

Short briefs

These are boards for my short briefs

Secret 7 Boards

Here are my boards for Secret 7"

Carmelite Prize boards

These are my presentation boards for Studio Brief 3 the Carmelite Prize

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Here are my presentation boards for the Thoughtbubble brief

Statement of Intent Update

This is my updated statement of intent and briefs list.

cover and insides

making the mock up today so i had to make a quick cover and inside bits

here they are

i wanted to make a fancy encycolpeida cover but this will do for now, it does the job

pretty chuffed wth the pattern though
ive been using it a lot but i finally made it a repeating tile
its sooooo useful

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Primordial Heady Leggies

looking back through old sketchbooks ive found loads of sketches that helped form the heady leggy, i just didnt know what i was doing at the time
isnt that weird

Heady Leggy mock up with script

It's all coming together
Now it can actually be read!
how exciting
the text is formatted really badly because im not a graphic designer
but it makes sense
its nice to be able to see the text with the images
i think they make more sense

Heady leggy script

This is the script to the book

Space Planet Encyclopaedia Script

Page One

This is Space Planet
He’s a friendly chap whose kindness and zest for life is known throughout the Planet Galaxy.
Space Planet, or SP as his friends call him, is home to the most sophisticated life forms in his solar system.
He is very proud of this.

Page Two

Space Planet lives in Solar System 4 of the Planet Galaxy with his good friends Sun, Moon, Warm Planet, Mr Planet, Planet Land and Planet small.
Angry Planet lives there too but he refuses to be friends with anybody because he is too angry. 

Page Three

The climate of Space Planet is pleasant but unpredictable.
There is daily flooding because Moon cries all night when his best friend Sun goes away. He is so lonely and floods the ground with his tears. 
When Sun comes back up Moon is so happy that he stays out all day while Sun dries up the mess he made.
This reeks havoc with the tides but nobody minds because Moon is such a nice guy. 

Page Four

Away from the safety of the home land there are three main areas; Moss Caves, the Dusty Peaks and Forest Marsh. These are hostile environments where only the toughest creatures live. Brave Heady Leggies come here to collect exotic supplies but most just stay in the comfort of their homes. 

Page Five

The Heady Leggy is the dominant species of Space Planet due to their upright stance, opposable thumbs and positive mental attitude.
They are almost perfectly spherical. It’s not so much that they don’t have a body, rather that their head is their body.
Their other distinguishing features are their long pointy noses, their wide goggly eyes, and their wibbly spaghetti limbs. 

Page Six 

Heady Leggies come in different shades, shapes and sizes but their all the same on the inside.
Everything a Heady Leggy needs to stay alive is stored within it’s head.

Page Seven

The life on Space Planet is happy and diverse.
The creatures get along quite well and they all survive on the bountiful fruits of the land. 

Page Eight

Space Planet is a very watery place, what with all Moon’s tears, so there are many Sea Creatures too.
Most animals can live happily on land or in water.

Page Nine

The Planet Life of Space Planet is rich and plentiful. 
Often plants are flooded by Moon’s tears so they are all able to survive in water.
Some can even grow several meters on command to keep their heads above water level. 

Page Ten

Heady Leggies consider themselves to be ‘at one with nature’ and like to tend to their trim and elegant gardens. 
It gives them great joy to watch a flower bloom.

Page Eleven

The Thermole is the only source of heat and light on Space Planet, other than Sun. 
They are sweet natured creatures whose fiery glow comes form their warm plasma centres and overwhelming sense of self satisfaction. 

Page Twelve

All water on Space Planet comes form Moon’s tears. They are filled with nutritious energy that can fuel critters and cars for many days. 

Page Thirteen

The PeragroPod is the vehicle of choice agreed among all Heady Leggies.
It can travel across land, sea and sky with ease.
Due to its cumbersome shape it is not very fast, but that is okay because Heady Leggies are never in a hurry. 

Page Fourteen

The Heady Leggy houses are sturdy and round to deflect falling Moon tears.
They have one large window to let light into the social rooms but keep the bedroom in darkness.
The legs are extendable to lift the house out of the water during floods. 

 Page Fifteen

Unlike Earth animals, creatures on Space Planet can have large chunks of their flesh removed and remain alive and happy.
The Heady Leggy diet consists of this meat, plant matter, fruits, flowers, natural roughage, nutritious Moon water and pink creamy Squooter milk.

Page Sixteen

Here are some examples of Heady Leggy recipes.
They are keen chefs and like to experiment with new ingredients.
Dishes like this will impress the dinner party guests. 

Page Seventeen

Heady Leggies can make small clones of themselves called ‘Mini-Leggies’, for when they need a helping hand or a friend to play with. 
Heady Leggies are not mortal creatures, meaning there are as many of them now as there ever was. This is how they manage to be such good friends.

Page Eighteen

Heady Leggies came into being when Sun, Moon and SP were bored and wanted a new project to work on.
Taking tiny particles from Sun’s cosy core and nutrients from Moon’s happy tears they formed oozing blobs of life that evolved into Heady Leggies.

Page Nineteen

Music is very important to Heady Leggies. They are all musical in some way. They like to sing about their thoughts, feelings and anything they got up to in the day.
Musical instruments compliment these songs well and everyone can play at least one. 

Page Twenty

Art is less prominent on Space Planet than Earth because most Heady Leggys prefer to look at the world around them. They do enjoy some earth paintings but they enjoy them much more when repainted to depict Heady Leggies. 
While they may not enjoy looking at art, Heady Leggies love to make expressive marks whilest listening to their friends play music. They are big fans of the suprematist movement. 

Page Twenty One 
(From left to right)
Eddy Greggy – Embassador of Space Planet. The friendliest chap there is. Runs all external Planet liasons.
Long Legs – Notable for his long legs with make him able to reach tall trees
Tiny Pecker – The smallest Heady Leggy. Can get in little crevices. 
Strong Simon – Born with over-developed muscles. Does all the hard work around here. 
Page Twenty Two

Ancient Wizzer – The oldest Heady Leggy. Has ‘magic powers’ apparently.
Professer Smart – Very clever.  Invented the PeragroPod and designed the houses. Also good at maths. 
Kite Champion – The champion at flying kites 
Big Stomp – The largest Heady Leggy. Gets upset because sometimes he stands on gardens and ruins them

Page Twenty Three

And here it is in all it’s glory.
A united land where the creatures live in pleasant harmony.
Everyone hopes you enjoyed learning about their way of life

Page Twenty Four

The Heady Leggies love visitors, especially you, so be sure to come back soon and bring all your friends.

Monday, 16 May 2016

raw scans

these are all the scans of the final drawings
they toook sooooo longngngngngg

Typo alert

I made a boo boo and I'm mad at myself
I printed the final spreads without changing the bit in the brain where I couldn't fit nonsense on so it now says nonse pons instead of nonsense pons which is far too close to nonce pons for my liking.
I cant get another slot now though so I'll just have to deal with it
I changed it for the mock up book
but ughghghg so silly

40s 50s korean childrens book covers

So pretty omg

Loook how niiiiiceeeee

Dolls house

I was struggling to figure out how to propose a dolls house of the heady leggy house, with it being round and thus difficult to imagine

Then remembered that this toy existed

its even yellow I mean how perfect is that

Seems to have been a pretty big thing to girls who grew up in the 80s

As far as i can tell the back comes off and reveals the room, but not sure where the second room comes from or if there even is one

Aha, I think the central wall rotates to turn reveal another room


Not sure this would translate to the heady leggy house  as it's two stories
I suppose it is just a proposal and I don't have to fully establish all of the physics involved

This also serves as great research for the heady leggy teapot I'm proposing.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Imagine revisited

It's been long enough that I can look at my imagine picture again

I tweaked it a bit and ended up with this one

I actually kinda like it now
It makes sense to the eyes instead of being visually unsettling
If only I'd submitted this version
Oh well

Here it is on a record cover

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Thinking about the range

Starting wth the range surrounding the release of the book

Point of sales and window displays and merchandise relating to it like bookmarks and stuff in a pack.

This gruffalo one demonstrates pretty well

Mock up solution

I am a drawer, I draw
That is what i do
Thus my solution to the product mock up issue is to DRAW THEM

I can mock up the easy stuff using drawings from the pages onto plain objects but for the invented products that are difficult if not impossible to mock up well like the hats I'm just going to draw them and present it neatly on a board

I've been drawing them rough in my sketch book so it'll just be that but more refined and presentable.

Also i wanna use the same writing as the book to keep the consistency of aesthetic


Golden age you say

Well thats good to know

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

mocking mock ups

on starting the mock ups part of my project I've had a crushing revelation


Thats quite an issue considering the other side to this project is entirely mock up based

Its a lot harder doing these product mock ups than just putting an image on a plain book

This is clearly not working so I'm going to have to try a new approach

merch inspiration

who knows how to capitalise on product range and distribution like disney
the kings of expensive tat
so I'm browsing the store

Here's some notable examples that i could use, mostly round stuff

I'm most impressed at how they've managed to rebrand frozen as summer merchandise.
Looking at this stuff its clear anything can be merchandised and branded, if you try
Also theres a heavy gender split in the products, not too fond of that but I guess it works
Maybe its disneys fault that it works
Anyway theres a lot of stuff i can use

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Time constraints have dictated that I redefine the outcomes of my brief

It would be physically possible to fully complete the artwork of the book in time to hand in but it would comprimise the quality and quantity of the rest of brief.

At this point I think I've demonstrated the aesthetic and the process, and I've learnt what I can from that. To complete the rest of the pages would be going through the motions and would demonstrate nothing new about my practice or the brief.

Instead I'm going to put this time into the proposed range surrounding the book.

I think in doing this I will evidence an understanding of the scope of the project and the context in which it exists. This is more valuable knowledge to demonstrate at this point than my knowledge of how to create mixed media drawings of the life cycle of my invented creatures.

If time remains after fulfulling the other aspects of the brief I will continue to make the imagery and I plan to complete the imagery for the final show, where the visuals are probably more valuable to demonstrate than the proposed context.

I have stopped at eight completed pages, leaving four and the cover and inlay pages proposed.

I think this is enough to demonstrate my book proposal as the two book competitions I entered requested 4 final spreads and 8 roughs. Doubling this quantity makes it adequately significant.

This decision also means I won't have to comprimise the quality of the drawings. I'd been trying to find ways to speed up the process but it just cannot be done any quicker. Rushing them makes them sloppy and I think that would ruin the product.

So I will be submitting eight finalised spreads, the boards of my product range and a printed mock up of the book with finals, roughs and a typed script intergrated.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

codex pictures

had another look at the codex
god its just so mesmerisingly excellent

i tried to take pictures of my faourite pages but i jsut ended up nearly taking every page so heres a bunch of codex pictures.

Briefs Labels Update

Following my tutorial we have separated my briefs out into 8.

They are now as follows 

SB1 - Thoughtbubble
SB2 - Secret 7
SB3 - Carmelite Prize
SB4 - Space Planet Encyclopedia
SB5 - Short briefs - Crispin Orthotics, Film Posters, Offlife, Threadless
SB6 - D&AD 
SB7 - Penguin Books
SB8 - Guardian 

Makes a lot more sense now

Big Kahuna Brief

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06
OUIL603 Extended Practice

Space Planet Encyclopaedia
Fictional encyclopaedia about Space Planet – home of the heady leggy race.
Detailing aspects of the Planet, including environment, habitats, food, creatures, history, lifecycle, culture, energy sources and any other relevant aspects taking reference from sections mentioned in a traditional encyclopaedia. Note: Heady leggys are a utopian race immune to mortality, ill health and petty human violence, thus sections on medicine, religion, war and survival are not necessary.
Should be suitable for children but enjoyable for all ages.

Also an accompanying range of proposed merchandise. This should include toys, stationary, clothing, accessories, decorative wares both permanent and temporary, games, apps, posters and other such ephemera. As well as this there should be proposals of alternate chapters in the Space Planet cannon, such as story books and animated episodes.

Tone of Voice
32 page picture book, full colour full bleed mixed media illustrations.
Imagery should mimic aesthetic of educational encyclopaedia diagrams but in a less dry manor, sustaining the cartoon child appealing aesthetic
5 A3 boards showing range of proposed merchandise, full colour.
Faux formality, a la David Attenborough narration but with extra whimsy and silliness.
Language should be 80% basic child friendly with smatterings of longer words with a view to expanding vocabulary and maximising longevity, allowing multiple readings without boredom.
Primarily children aged 8-11, but should also be appealing to parents and enjoyable to other age groups, including adults interested in the aesthetic and ideas, the same kind of audience of adults who still watch cartoons and buy children’s books for their aesthetic merit.

It should also be appealing to appealing publishers as a demonstration of my work and an advert for them to hire me and/or publish my work
Should be made as if it is a published book, to be sold in shops that have a more specialist interest in the craft and imagery of publictions e.g Foyles, Waterstones, independent book shops, gift shops and gallery shops where books are sold e.g Natural History Museum, educational child friendly tourist destinations.

Additional information/Considerations
Should work as the core resource for a larger franchise, including considerations of product, merchandise, other stories and books within the cannon and moving image, episodes of animated cartoon or potentially film. This book should act as the blueprint to that world.

Mandatory Requirements
Primary visual research and testing, contextual research into references and where product will exist, what products will exist,
Planning and preparatory drawings establishing world and it’s characters, development of imagery,
Rough and refined storyboards and layouts of pages.
Completed imagery with and without text overlay.
Final resolutions compiled into physical publication

32 page full colour full bleed picture book approx. 300mm x 270 mm
Preparatory work combined and coherently displayed in folder or box.
5 A3 full colour boards representing proposed range of products within franchise.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Planning the cover
Taking inspiration from these covers that Adam showed me
They're pretty

They're very regal
I like this I think it'll be an amusing contrast to the silliness of the material
And an encyclopedia needs a grand cover


Drawing plants
This bit is the most fun certainly

Going for mostly blue stalks, think they go better with the scheme, but retaining some forrest green too

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


Been drawing the finals of the creatures today
It's starting to become disheartening because it's taking so long and I have my first print slot on Monday
And they're starting to look a bit dead, I think its always very clear to see in my work when I'm getting bored, maybe just to me, I'm not sure
It's not the project it's the process, it's a bit of a drag.
I'm going to have to lighten it up a bit, to finish in time and to retain interest

They look alright but I think they need brightening up in Photoshop, these ones are looking a little over worked.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Heady Leggy Insides

In the process of drawing the anatomy page
This is the inside of the head
In the initial sketch I drew a skeleton but I don't think he would have a skeleton really, I mean theres just no room in his head for a skull, and if theyre bendy and floopy it wouldn't make sense for them to have a skeleton
So I'm gonna construct a strong muscle system I think, that will support the head

Sunday, 1 May 2016

developing font

I've been playing around with the text a lot
I couldnt decide if it should be typed or hand written because typed is more ledgible but handwritten fits the aesthetic better
in my tutorial fred said use handwritten for text thats part of the image and type for the rest

So I've been developing my handwritten font for the book and i think ive finally cracked it

its like a combination of hand drawn futura and the words in the codex and the hobbit

it needs refining a little so i can figure out just how many gestures on each word are necessary but i like this a lot and its really nice and fun to do