Wednesday 13 May 2015


this one might be my favourite as a whole thing, i think it went pretty well even though it was all a mad rush

I like this cover best, of the covers, probably because it works best as an image, it may not be good as a cover though
i dont know whats going on at the top theres all sorts of pink and yellow nonsense going on
it just appeared when i made it a jpeg
no idea

i like this page a lot too, except for the dingy dark text box, and the date is at the side because i forgot to write it
but anyway i like the little guy cos hes cute and i dont know if it makes sense that these are kinda two images in one image but i hope so
also the boat and rocks went well
its nice going for it onto the paper with drawing cos when it works out its a much more pleasant surprise than when ive redrawn one digital line thirty times and i finally get it right
embrace the mistakes yo 

this page may be a little heavy on the yellow
otherwise its okay
the lighthouse men went well they look so silly and moustached 
too much patterns?

i like these pages separately but they dont work as a spread
i wanted to get this lighthouse drawing in because i think it represents the story well and i liked the composition in the thumbnails but im not sure i translated it over well because its a bit scrappy
the left had side went fine, its functional and it looks okay and it makes sense to me at least i hope it does to others 

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