Wednesday, 6 May 2015


So I replanned to replace all of the ephemera with animated gifs and have a print book and an ebook.
This seemed like a lot of work for little good purpose
And there's scarcely enough time remaining.

Following my tutorial I have devised a new plan which is mostly Fred's plan but it was a good plan.
Each story will be separated into a different booklet, a hotdog book, a supplement to a newspaper for a week of 'unsolved mysteries' as a theme. Most likely the guardian because illustration.
There will be one each day for the five working days and maybe I shall propose a larger collection of them all or a different supplement in the sunday paper, observer or whatever, research.
The booklets will have images like my visual journal throughout and I plan to use the text as part of the image rather than trying to tackle a mass of type. 
The booklets will fold out into an a3 poster of the full page images I planned for the book, these too i will draw with pencils instead of digital as I have been doing.
To incorporate the animated aspect I will make and use the gifs as advertising web banners on the guardians website and on those bus shelter screen things and those screens they have on the underground, just all screen based advertising platforms. 
I'm going to replace jack the ripper with elisa lam again for two reasons
1. my audience is no longer children
2. its a little patronising to tell adults about jack the ripper
also since its no longer for adults this means i can get away with more. I mean it won't be completely awful but maybe if i can find a way to combine a naive aesthetic with the disturbing frozen bodies of the dyatlov pass incident while making it still suitable for distribution that would be pretty good.
I think thats everything
go time 

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