Saturday 9 May 2015

db cooper

getting a good system going now, bashin 'em out

i tried to make the same kinda image as the plane gif background i did the other day, cos i liked that, but it didnt really work cos the yellow pencil on top of the blue watercolour is really dingy
i overcompensated for that with levels so now it looks overexposed and weird
im hoping this will sort itself out in printing because the areas that are startlingly white will just be the colour of the paper and it wont be backlit so maybe itll be fine 

i think i got too carried away on this page
theres no white space left except the planes
its all a bit dark
even the text boxes
reign it in reign it in 
i think the description pictures underneath DB are cute tho

i really like this one because i was trying to not go overboard like i did on the previous page so its less heavy but still busy enough to be interesting i guess
i like the little bomb briefcase its cute, and the parachutes, the colours suit them well
yeah i like this one 
theres bits that are messy though like the middle section between the texts but thatll be in the crease so it probs wont be too noticable 

this was the drawing i planned initially for the book and i liked it then but im not so sure about it now
it looks a bit out of place next to the others but i suppose it breaks up the hecticness and its the best way i can imagine to show whats going on
i think its just cos its really different to the others
maybe itll look better when its all together 

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