Saturday 7 March 2015

Secret 7"

for my third entry i decided to pimp out this drawing i did in my 505 visual journal, because i liked it but it wasnt particularly refined

I drew it out again with a 1.5 calligraphy nib, a brush pen and a fine sketch nib so i could get a variety of different line qualities in the drawing
i think this gives the drawing more character than if i'd done it in one fixed width pen and its a process i intend to continue with 
ligne claire 

i had to take a photograph instead of scanning because i didn't have time to go back into college to scan it before the submission ended.
i put it into photoshop and coloured in areas of different opacities of pink
this made it look much more finished

it still looks a little dingy to me, 
its because I took a photo instead of scanning it
I have a scanner now so this problem is solved
I have no explanation for the rabbit but it ended up going pretty well with the song 

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