Thursday 28 April 2016

Finals examples

Put the scans together in photoshop to demonstrate what the pages will look like
Theyre a bit rough but I think it's on the right track
A lot less time consuming than doing it all in real life

Need to fix the glow behind the planets and maybe change the colour of Planet Small, I already changed him to blue but he's a bit lost

Had to find a new way of removing white backgrounds because it was looking really jaggedy and was taking forever to erase and multiply didn't work with the dark background

The new process is using the magic selection tool and selecting the outer area then expanding 2px, then feather and smooth then delete and it deletes the white with a soft edge that looks wayyyy better.

Used the same process to put these together

Still need to figure out whether to use type or hand write it.
Type would be muchhhhh quicker
So I'll probably end up doing that. 

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