I started by trying to create texture with a fine pen using scribbled lines to texture the shadowed areas
I tried the same again with thicker pens but was less successful. The bottom right went okay, I did the linework in one pen and the textured shadow in a lighter one.
Bored with pens I moved on to more experimental materials, here I covered a page of notes with ink and drew on it in tipex, I think I achieved a more interesting texture this way but I lost some of the detail.
This was drawn in brush pen. I did the blocked areas while it was full and then the dry brushed areas when it started to run out. It could stand to be much neater but I managed to get most of the shadows in the right place.
I painted the bottom layer loosely in ink, leaving blank parts where the highlights were, and went over it roughly with a red marker in the shadowed areas.
I used pretty much every marker pen I own in this drawing, trying to make it look grotesque and violent with multiple layers of block scribbled colour, and tipex for shiny highlights.
I used a blunt coloured pencil to sketch in the hallowed areas of his face and the shadows, and then sharpened it for the more detailed areas.
I cut out a stencil of the highlighted parts of Freddie's face to try and get the colour to hit the shadows. I stuck it down and flicked ink onto it with a toothbrush and paintbrushes, I like the texture the ink made but the image isn't very clear. Maybe I could work into it and add the features and details in a darker pen.
I'd been using this sheet of paper to dry off my brush when drawing something else, so I used it as a background and drew onto it with different pens.
Trying once again to create texture with different fixed width pens
My brush pen was running out of ink so I took advantage of the dry brush effect it was making
I drew a rough pencil sketch of the face and layered several colours of marker pen onto it. The combination of the graphite and the ink smudging made a jaggedy mottled texture.