Thursday 12 November 2015

colouring book finals

Done all my colouring book pages!
They turned out fine
I ended up doing them on the cintiq cos digital is quick but also its so hard to do good linework on a tablet
it was definitely the ideal tool
I dont usually draw in just black line
It's an interesting process, especially since most of my practice relies on colour
They turned out alright though
I used one of Kyle's brush pens, they're really swooshy and nice
Also when drawing a colouring book you have to consider what it'll be like to colour in, so I tried not to leave too big an area of blank anywhere cos thats boring, and there isn't really much use for line texture, which is what I would usually rely on if doing a line drawing.
It was quite a different thought process over all

Anyway here they are, just in time

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