Thursday 1 May 2014

Jim Henson

Here's the palette I used, some colours I 'mixed' and some textured brushes I was comparing. I wanted a soft and slightly aged looking brush similar to drawing with a chalk on its side.

Bert and Ernie. Stuck to colours for this one, also gave them matching/clashing jumpers

Used adjustments to make a more plausible yellow

Same again but red. I'm not sure about all that space in the bottom left corner. Perhaps should have extended the rainbow.

Used slight adjustments to make a better green that didn't blend into the background green

Fozzie Bear. Used colour palette, worked well I think. Not sure about the creases on the scarf and the fur texture should've probably been darker

Used the adjustments but I think on screen he might look a bit greener than print. I put 1st in the corner so it would appear more stamp-like but I don't think it looks right.

Miss Piggy. Stuck to the colours, maybe couldve make a greater difference between her and the background colours but it didn't look right lighter or darker

I very slightly altered the colours in this one. Otherwise it was too dull

I adjusted the colours of the poster slightly but now I think it looks too dark compared to the other things. It's the only one really where you can see the textured edge of the brush I picked, I like this on the shirt details. Before printing I added another border across the bottom to fit in with the rest, I think it looked better but there were gaps where I used that drippy brush.

I'm pretty happy with them overall. I think I could've done more to the stamps and postcards had I allowed more time and been less foolish. But they went pretty well, I like the colours and I think they work together as a set. Also I'd hope they communicate Jim Henson quite efficiently. 

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