Sunday 28 December 2014


Done the bare bones of it, now just alterations on after affects and whatnot. 

Saturday 27 December 2014


Rough plan of where the speechbubbles will go

It's coming along

I've done all the movement, now just the speech bubbles and aesthetic type things to consider.
It's not bad for a first try, and I had to redo quite a large portion of the jump because my mother tripped over the charger to my laptop, causing it to shut down and delete my progress. Hoorah for overcoming setbacks. 

Tuesday 23 December 2014


Sketched out the movement of the jump, its not bad for a first try but I think at the top of the jump his arms should go back down instead of round and he should fall a little faster perhaps

Monday 22 December 2014

Zoomin out

At first I was redrawing each frame in the zoom out but it looked too disjointed..

In the end I did what I should've done in the first place which was make one of the frames gradually smaller. Economising time and whatnot.

Jumping troubles

Finding reference, good and bad, of animating a long jump

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Friday 12 December 2014

Moving Storyboards

I made some quick gifs of the storyboards to see how long they will last and use as more defined plan when making the final ones.
Must figure out how to make it clear he's standing up, the jump should be good though

I think this will be the longest but most fun to make because of silly themes. I like the transition between cowboy and detective, it's pretty smooth, also the tentacle monster I am fond of.

I had to change this one from the story board as it wasn't clear that Alan making snow angels in the comics was areal view, also the transition from pile of comics to a flat mass of comics on the ground made no sense, so instead he's bursting out of the pile of comics made by the machine that is the comics industry. 

I think I'll make my animations like this, on photoshop using the timeline and drawing the lines digitally. It's much simpler than hand drawn because you can replay the animation at any time to check if it works, and it wont involve such a long assembly process as it accumulates as it goes along.  And as always with digital work its easier to make acceptably neat because of the miracle of cmd + z.

Monday 1 December 2014
